Thursday 4 April 2013

To be Positive

We hear a lot that you need to have positive approach in life towards anything. It might be frustrating to hear this many times but your thinking makes the whole difference in all the aspects of your life. You might be happy at times and be unhappy some other time but all these are not due to the situations around you. It is all what happens in your mind that actually makes the difference. It is your way of approaching situations that make you happy or sad and not what actually happens. Hence positive thinking will always help you to be happy in life. Positive thinking can make the difference in a though of ‘how can I do it’ and ‘why can’t I do it’. This is why you often hear that you need to stay positive. As simple it is to say ‘be positive’, the difficult it is to actually implement it.

Situations get worst sometimes and these are the times when you are tested the most. It is easy to give up hope and do nothing. The harder way is to face the situation and still try to make something out of nothing. You learn many things from your bad times rather than your good times. Some might crack their first interview and some may take 3 or 4 or even more interviews to land in a job. Staying positive here means not to lose hope and have the self-belief that you can still do it. This helps you learn a lot from each failure. What you learn from your failures makes you a better person. For example, if you haven’t done well in you exams although you have put in your best effort. Sitting back and sorting out new ways to study so that you can score better next time will surely help you. You might even find a better way to study which requires lesser effort than what you used to put in before. This is how a positive going attitude helps you.

So one has to have that belief system to keep on working even if the hardships knocks one down, because that’s the only right way. But this doesn't mean that one has to be hopelessly positive, sometimes being practical is very vital. In situations like you are bankrupt, one can’t be positive and expect all the money to come back by itself. You have to be positive but still think practical scenarios possible. In these situations once has to understand that positivity has to be affected by practicality for the present age, cause without practicality it is vain to think about being positive without any gains, especially in your career. Hence in any situation you cannot get the positive attitude going easily. You will have to think about some other motivating factor which can help you get your positive thinking back. Suppose you are in search of a good job, then you have to think positive to get it. There are many job search engines which help you to find the right job and also give proper guidance to the job seeker so that they can have a great career. 

Monday 1 April 2013

Recruitment Skills

What are the skills required to get recruited? You might be very good at your technical but all of these can be showcased only after you get into a job. It is how you present your skills that impress the employers the most. For this the most important factor is your communication skill. You could be just average or above average at your technical but if it is backed up with good communication skills, you can still get that job. Even after you get a job, these skills play a crucial role in healthy growth of your career. When you attend an interview, you should know very well when to say a direct no and when try to find out an answer. For suppose you are asked to explain some concept which you have very little idea and you feel you are cannot present a proper answer then it is better to tell that you do not know than trying to cover up. But if you are asked to solve some puzzle which seems really hard to crack, you give it your best shot trying to answer rather than giving up before even trying.

Before even speaking about an interview, the job seeker has to clear a written exam. This is conducted by almost all the companies especially for recruiting a fresher. Most of the fresher job seekers miss out on a job not at an interview but at the written levels. So they will have to concentrate more on this aspect. These written exams may or may not have technical questions but will surely have aptitude related questions. So improving your aptitude levels is important. As these are time bound exams, you should be quick enough to answer as many questions as possible correctly. The next step is your interview.

For an experienced job seeker, you have to emphasize on the work you have done. Showing what all you have learnt from your previous work and how well you can handle any challenging situation in a right way has to be done. Do not give more negative reviews on your previous work place and stress on what all positives that came out. At the same time give a proper reason which does not stress more on negatives of previous place. This balancing act is necessary for a job seeker who has experience. Even when it comes negotiating your salary package, see that you do not get involved in any argument. If you do not like the package, negotiate to an extent and better reject the offer if you do not like it rather than making an argument.

You might have all the skills needed for a job but you should also find an opportunity. As registering in a job portal is completely free of cost, it is good to give it a try. Register in a job portal that has numerous job seeker tools to help out the candidate to be better prepared to face this competitive world. Hence it is suggestible to any job seeker to register in such a job portal.